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These photos were taken while on a shark dive where the dive master wore an entire suit of chain mail and fed the sharks as though they were his personal pets.  Beware of dog, my eye!!!!

Pictures 1,2,4 and 5 were shot on night dives.  The last shot, first row, is of a wall looking back up to the surface.  These pictures were taken in Bonaire after we upgraded to digital photography equipment.  That learning curve just got straightened out!  (If you don't see what's in the last pic, email me.)

These were taken in Cancun '04.  We can't quite figure out what the first pic is...Oh wait, I mean the second, I mean the third one... Oh well, if you can figure it out, let us know!!  (We think the first is a type of sponge, the second is our good friends Mark and Angie and the third is Sheila and our spawn Angie : )